What is spousal maintenance? Clerks @ NE Chambers 5 August 2020 Uncategorised What happens if I lose my job and can’t pay the spousal maintenance?My former spouse, the recipient of the maintenance, is now working – do I still have to pay them maintenance?My former spouse, the recipient of maintenance, is now living with a new partner – do I still have to pay them maintenance?How is spousal maintenance calculated?How long does spousal maintenance last?What is a nominal maintenance order?Can spousal maintenance be varied?How can I stop paying spousal maintenance?When does a court order spousal maintenance? You Might Also Like Covid Insurance Case – Bullet Points 15 February 2021 Employee wins discrimination claim after manager asked how long ‘this disabled thing’ would go on 11 June 2020 Applications to strike out a claim or defence in civil claims 8 July 2020
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