Divorce & Inheritance

Inheritance and Divorce Are you worried that an inheritance you received will be taken into account in your financial settlement? Each divorce is decided on a case-by-case basis with the…

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Inheritance and Divorce

Inheritance and DivorceAre you worried that an inheritance you received will be taken into account in your financial settlement?Look at this example: a wife inherited a property, and the couple…

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How To Vary Police Bail

Pre-charge Bail Since the presumption against pre-charge bail was removed in October 2022 we have seen an increase in the number of suspects subject to pre-charge bail. Here we discusses pre-charge…

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Police Entrapment

Police entrapment occurs when a law enforcement officer, such as a police officer, causes a person to commit an offence with the intention of prosecution for that offence.What constitutes entrapment?Entrapment…

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Here we set out some information on the new Divorce Law (April 2022) and if needed, the Financials after Divorce (FDRH) process - and I set out indicative legal fees…

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